<< bluh blah, bluh blah blah blah. >>
2002-06-05 - 9:21 a.m.

Thanks so much to everyone who took/will take my scientific survey . I will compile the results over the next few weeks, and they will be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Nature. By the way, just in case you were wondering, the title of the survey was meant to be Red Dirt Girl On Ice, but then you couldn't use that many letters, and so I used initials, but then it all ran together anyway, bluh blah, bluh blah blah blah.

I emailed these guys for advice about the Adam problem, and they didn't really like our chances. But what do those old fogies know? (Just kidding. I like old people.) I actually have been feeling pretty relaxed and good about things lately, Adam-related and otherwise. I think switching from coffee to tea has really done a lot for my personality.

My Book Club Stalker has struck again. He called me at home night before last, but I cleverly screened the call. However, he called me at work yesterday (!), and so since I couldn't lie fast enough I told him I'd go for coffee last night to talk about the book I hadn't read. But then when I got home last night I had the inspiration to call in sick. I think he knows I have a boyfriend, but he still seems to persist in the belief that he and I will someday, presumably in the near future, be having sex. Which we will not.

I told you that old Adam got cable, right? It's just for this month, so that he can watch the World Cup, with which he is obsessed. Last night I went over to his house for a couple of hours just to watch the cable. Do you know what I do on my lunchbreaks? That's right folks, I watch the cable. Growing up a red dirt girl on a farm, as I did, cable always seemed like an exotic luxury enjoyed only by the very rich and cosmopolitan--the same kinds of people who, for instance, stayed in hotel rooms ALL THE TIME. Don't you wonder what's on cable right this very minute? I do.

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