<< Show me the hoops and I will obediently jump through them. >>
2002-11-20 - 8:42 a.m.

Today is the most gorgeous day ever. The mountains are glowing pink, and there's an orange-y mist on the lake, and---okay, you get the idea. I always skip scenic descriptions in books so I don't know why I plague you with them. You kind of just have to be there.

Today I'm going to put in motion the paperwork necessary for me to attend UW next year. I don't have to fully reapply, but I have to kind of reapply, because they want another $75 application fee, the money-grubbing bastards. Between you and me, the UW folks have pretty much been assholes about the whole thing, but really, so what? I don't want to learn the wisdom of the ancients from these people, I just want to get my little vocational degree and be allowed to read to the kids. That's it. Show me the hoops and I will obediently jump through them.

The one thing that does suck, though, is that I have to write a new personal statement. My original personal statement, which cost me much blood sweat and tears, was truly a thing of beauty and a joy forever and I have no desire to write a new one. I'm thinking of just tacking on one sentence at the end that says:

All of the above still true except that you guys turned out to be big tightwads with money so I had to work a shitty job for a year to get Washington residency thank you very much.

Only that might not really impress them.



I got into a big argument with one of the attorneys here yesterday because he insisted that when my time came, I would want a huge-monguous wedding, with 419 bridesmaids and a scary lacy dress and a hope chest and a receiving line and everything. Because that's what all women want. Deep down inside, we want to be princesses, with big strong princes to protect us and no expense spared and everyone standing around talking about how pretty we are.

Okay, so I do want everyone standing around talking about how pretty I am. But I can do without the rest of it.



Hey Keith, if the words are too small you can just go under "View," on the toolbar, and select "Text Size" to make them bigger. You can do eet!

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