<< sparkle sparkle dammit >>
2003-12-04 - 10:19 a.m.

I'm going to try to have a good attitude about the holidays this year. Shut up, I am. I know that in years past--okay, pretty much every single year since I was about thirteen and realized the whole Santa deal was never going to be fun again--I've been kind of bah humbug about the whole thing. But I am going to try to reform.

As a part of the reform effort, I want to do as many dorky holiday things as possible this month. I'm not sure what they should be, but I'm going to do them if it kills me. Sparkly things. Whoville things. But girl, I am totally down with the $5 maximum for friend gifts. I have millions of dollars worth of love and tens of dollars worth of bank account.

p.s. Don't say it too loudly, but: I have a DATE for New Year's Eve. The tickets for the event are purchased and everything. Those of you who've been reading for a while might remember my pity date from last year, but this one is strictly voluntary. Yay me.

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