<< good friday >>
2003-04-18 - 8:23 a.m.

I couldn't understand why the traffic was so light this morning until finally it hit me--Jesus died this weekend! Of course, does Walker Gambini Sandwich and Boombati give us any time off? Hell no!

Doesn't anybody have any fucking religion anymore? Fuckers.



Every Friday I treat myself to a cup of expensive store-bought coffee from the Victrola, instead of drinking the carcinogenic sludge they serve for free here at the Firm. I've developed an ongoing flirtation with the cashier guy who works there; he makes a joke, I laugh and counter-joke, and the witty banter abounds. He's cute, too.

Of course, this would be a much more interesting story if he weren't gay.

Speaking of romance--wouldn't it be great if you could just decide who you would fall in love with? I mean, I know that I am not the first to express this sentiment, but really, wouldn't your life just be a whole lot better if you could say to yourself, "Hey, here is a really great guy who is funny and smart and a lot of fun and he likes me a lot and is a homeowner, even; I should fall in love with him"--and then just do it?

Mine would. I guess it wouldn't be quite as interesting, though.

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