<< failed suburbanite >>
2005-09-27 - 2:13 p.m.

I just tried to mow the lawn, but it didn't work. The mower wouldn't start, which was kind of disappointing because I was sure mowing the lawn would make me feel all butch and stuff. You see, despite my status as a Thoroughly Modern Lady, I've never ever mown a lawn. This is because 1.) Growing up in the South, it was considered Man Work; it would never have occured to anyone to ask me to do it, and 2.) none of the places I've lived as an adult has ever had a yard. Or at least, not one that I was in charge of.

However, I did put more gas in the lawn mower and now I reek of gasoline. Which does make me feel kind of manly, now that you mention it.


When I wrote about my new job, I said that no one I graduated with had gotten library jobs around here, and that isn't really true. I meant no one had gotten a public library job (although I have since remembered that I did graduate with one woman who got a fantastic job at the downtown library), and I know a couple of people who've gotten local jobs in academic libraries. And lots of people have gotten tech-oriented jobs, including Mr. R.

ANYhoodle. I am getting excited about my new job. Yes, the commute will be a pain, but I'll get to do everything--storytime, collecting materials, reference desk, school visits--and I'm hoping there will be room for me to institute some stuff of my own, like a book group for 4th-6th graders. Doesn't that sound like fun?


Do you know what is ruining television? VOICEOVERS. Seriously, I can't take it anymore. I know Arrested Development is supposed to be the most hilarious show of all time, but every time I turn it on Opie is describing every single thing that is happening on the screen, as if I am retarded. It's like going to the movies with your most annoying friend.

It seems like every new show has a voiceover, including "How I Met Your Mother," which R and I have tried to watch twice now because it stars Willow from Buffy and Nick from Freaks and Geeks. Unfortunately, it sucks ass.

In the very same time slot on another channel is a terrible show about cooking, starring Xander from Buffy and Sam from Freaks and Geeks. This show sucks slightly more than the other one, and it's disconcerting the way they make Xander wear tiny little scarves, even though his character is apparently not gay. (Not that any self-respecting gay man would actually wear such a scarf, but you know that weird little scarves are usually TV shorthand for homo. It's either that or you have to carry around a nasty little dog.)

We spend the half hour switching sadly back and forth between the channels.

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