<< Date Girl, Hookup Girl, ExBoyfriend, and me >>
2003-04-30 - 9:42 a.m.

First of all, for everyone who was holding their breath after the cliffhanger in yesterday's entry--Before Sunrise stayed good right through to the end. This is an Ethan Hawke movie that I can strongly recommend, and considering my feelings towards Ethan Hawke, that's really saying something.

You guys, Birdgyrl might go to library school with me this fall. Are you excited or what? See, she's been planning on maybe/probably doing the night program, which would be great except that we wouldn't have any classes together, and also she would spend the most beautiful part of the year learning about informations systems in a stuffy classroom. So anyway, yay, I hope she comes to school with me in the daytime so that we can be slinkster cool Seattlites, sipping coffee in the sun outside all of the finest Capitol Hill cafes. I really think I need to take up smoking again to complete the effect.

Last night I was giving an exboyfriend relationship advice over the phone*---he'd just gone on a fancy date with a girl who liked him more than he liked her---when his roommate/recent ex-hookup walked into his room to tell him that Date Girl had been IMing her (Hookup Girl) on his computer, thinking that she (Hookup Girl) was exboyfriend.

Love in the 21st century, buddy. It is a hoot.

*My relationship advice is much sought after by my exboyfriends. I don't know why.

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