<< sea of banana boxes >>
2004-07-28 - 4:06 p.m.

I went to the the temp agency today. The place was called Temporarily Yours, which struck me as funny, like something you'd write on a Valentine to a one-night stand. But I refrained from all joke-making activities during the interview, and I dazzled them with my many qualifications for menial office labor! They said they'd put me at the top of the heap, being somewhat literate and having the usual number of limbs, so hopefully I can squeeze a few days' work out of them anyway.

Neko hates my guts right now. She's never hissed at or scratched anyone, ever, and she's not doing it now, but she's trying to let me know in the politest way possible that she'd really prefer it if I didn't squirt yucky white stuff down her throat twice a day, especially not right after she's eaten, because it's disgusting and spoils her enjoyment of her Friskies Sea Captain's Choice Dinner. And also, she would prefer that I not keep the house a sea of banana boxes and newspaper. If that's not too much to ask.

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