<< Special offer! >>
2002-08-16 - 10:42 a.m.

Special Offer!!!

As a small thank-you for putting up with the jibberish that is this website, I would like to offer you brave souls a small reward. Inspired by some of my favorite diarists, I'd like to send you--absolutely free!--a genuine postcard from somewhere inside the contiguous United States. (I was going to let you pick the region, but then I realized that I'm not organized enough to pull that off.) All you have to do is send your real life address* to this address. Hurry up now--I just bought a big ol' batch of postcard stamps and I'll be itching to use them.

In other news--guess who's a licensed driver! That's right, folks--after single-handedly bringing the governments of three states to their knees, I now have the identification necessary to operate a motor vehicle and, more importantly, drink in the bar of my choice.

And there's more good news. I've said a lot of times that I wished I had some kind of document that my grandmother had written--a journal, for example--that preserved her personality from better days. She was a well-known wit (and is still a better conversationalist than a lot of people you know), and she knew Dorothy Parker's husband and all kinds of intellectuals and literary stars of the 30's. Later, in the early 60's, she became a newspaper woman, and (here's where it gets exciting) it turns out that Mom has a scrapbook with almost all of her editorials. I've been tearing through them, and they're really good. They remind me a teeny bit of me--not so much in their quality as in their overuse of dashes and parentheses. I'm so glad to have them.

*I only stalk electronically, so you don't have to worry about waking up with me standing over your bed or anything.

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