<< The men of the hour >>
2003-01-29 - 10:05 a.m.

Remember how I told you that when we went to Mt. Rainier, I ran into (or, semi-stalked, I guess) some of the people that I used to be friends with there, back in 1998? Well, one of them gave my number to another friend (and sometime hook-up) from that summer, R@bi (yes, he really spells it that way--hippie parents), and he called me up last night.

We're going to get a drink in Pioneer Square on Saturday; apparently he knows a bartender that will give us free drinks. (R@bi is the kind of guy who knows where the free drinks are.) I'm not sure how much we'll have to talk about; although handsome, he wasn't exactly the sharpest tack in the box. Of course, it was always hard to tell how much of the haze was intrinsic to R@bi, and how much was the result of the massive, massive amounts of herb that he smoked on a daily basis. Most of us thought it was an herb/R@bi combo, but there was a lot of disagreement as to percentages.

He says he quit smoking completely a couple of years ago, though, so it will be interesting to see how much of the fog has lifted. Apparently he now has a fancy job with the government and is a homeowner in Bremerton. A Very Respectable Grownup.



I didn�t listen to the State of the Union address. I know I should have, but what can I say? The man�s voice gives me hives. From the run-down this morning on NPR and what I skimmed of the printed speech, it sounds mainly like what you�d expect: kill the brown people, fuck the pinko-commie French, nobody will ever pay taxes again, etc.

The AIDS stuff sounds surprisingly good, though.



Happy Birthday Mrs-Roboto!

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