<< I amaze you with my thrilling lifestyle >>
2003-04-02 - 9:10 a.m.

Mount Rainier was almost obscene this morning, glowing all white and naked in the sun. I blushed for it.

I guess that, despite all my efforts to the contrary, I have been kind of grumpy this winter. I apologize--the weather has always affected me far more than is reasonable. Wait until you see me this summer. I am going to be the happiest, perkiest, most annoyingly cheerleader-like person you know. Watch out.

I'm starting to really like my apartment. I would like it more if it had hardwood floors and molding around the ceiling, but after spending too much money on plants and lighting over the weekend, I am pretty pleased with it. I read once on a budgeting website (yeah, I read stuff like that) that you should make sure to invest enough money in your home for you to enjoy being there, so that you aren't tempted to spend more money avoiding it. I think this is sound advice.

Has this entry been the most exciting ever or what? My life is a whirlwind of glamour. I almost gave you a really detailed opinion on Moonlight Mile, which I watched last night, but then I had mercy. Mostly it was a meditation on why Jake Gyllenhaal melts my butter, so you aren't missing much.

[Monsta, I didn't do the handy paragraph breaks this time. What do you think?]

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