<< That guy's got no alibi. >>
2002-11-08 - 8:29 a.m.

Did you watch the premiere of 1940's House the other night on PBS? I watched a little bit of it, but as much as I love the 1940's (except of course for that pesky war), I found the series less than titilating. I mean, the 1940's just weren't that long ago. The British family on the show (and they seem a little crazy anyway) bitches and bitches about the rationing of food, and the fact that they have been given rabbits to raise and eat, and that the bathwater isn't hot enough, and they want to go home. Give me a break! People think Americans are spoiled, but this show proves that our European brethren are just as bad. It's not as though they have real air raids to deal with or anything. It's just nowhere near as bewitching as my one true love, Frontier House, and since the other PBS channel was showing reruns of FH, I couldn't give 1940's House my full attention.

Actually, for the next PBS/BBC reality series, I have a few suggestions. How about Cave People House? Watch ugly, hairy Americans hit each other with mastadon fossils! Or Medieval House, where everyone has the plague and loves Jesus! Ah, good times.

Speaking of the magic and wonder that is television in 21st century America, how about the new Bachelor? As I have said before, I have about seventy gazillion problems with the gender politics of this program, but I won't go into them again. What amazes me most, though, is that ANY woman, no matter how vapid her personality may be or how many times she might have read The Rules, would let this man touch her with a ten-foot pole. U-G-L-Y, that guy's got no alibi.



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