<< dinosaurs, mucus, maggots, and those deep sea creatures that glow >>
2006-02-24 - 3:07 p.m.

Today is the last day at Old Job. "My goodness," you are thinking to yourself, "didn't she quite that job approximately 17 years ago?" Well in fact, you are right�but this library system asked for (read: insisted on) a full month's notice. I felt so guilty about quitting after just three months that I caved.

There was black ice all over the roads this morning, tons of accidents, and it did cross my mind that I might die as a result of my very last commute. Wouldn't that be ironical. (No, not really.)

Overall, I�m really looking forward to being a Teen Librarian, and working for the city system. But here anyway is a list of

Things I Will Miss About This Job

1. Storytimes
I love storytime. Especially preschool storytime, but toddlers and babies are pretty fun, too. I did my last baby storytimes this week, and I must say that although I wasn't very excited about doing them in the first place, the babies really won me over in the end. Babies are tricky that way. Really quite insidious.

2. Juvenile nonfiction books
They have cool pictures. Plus, kids know what is interesting�namely, dinosaurs, mucus, maggots, and those deep sea creatures that glow. (We do have a book on data modeling aimed at 9-year-olds, but I sincerely hope that no one ever checks it out.)

3. Picture books
So pretty!

4. My office
I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but my office at this job totally rules. It's huge, and the whole wall that my desk faces is a big window looking out onto a forest. Sometimes there are deer. At the new job, I won�t even have my own desk until the renovation of the building is complete.

5. Kids
There is nothing quite like the excitement of a nine-year-old girl who finally gets her hands on that "How to Draw Horses" book she's been waiting for. Gushing is not even the word for it.

6. Small town teens
They�re so nice! And so surprised when I help them. It�s hard to impress the jaded, sophisticated teenagers of the big city.

There are plenty of things I won�t miss, but overall this job did not suck. Except for the commute.

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