<< mopey mcpoutypants >>
2004-07-09 - 10:52 a.m.

Wow, a night with the women* last night was just the shot in the arm I needed to stop being Ms. Mopey McPoutypants and have a good time. I got to hang out with this one and this one and that one, and a few other equally awesome ladies who somehow manage to resist the online journaling urge. Men are all very well in their place (i.e., the home), but for a fun night out give me the ladies (and a pitcher of margaritas) every time.



My boss at the Youth Services Center was telling me yesterday that after a couple more weeks, I would be able to pick the sex offenders out of the crowd on my own. "They all look the same," she said. "Pasty, nerdy white guys. Bill Gates is married but I bet you a million dollars that Paul Allen is some kind of perve."

I figured this was some kind of prejudice she'd developed over the years, but later she pointed out several of the sex offenders and I have to say, she was right--they all looked the same. I'm not sure what that means, but I'm totally not inviting Paul Allen to my next party. The sicko.

*One of my favorite bits of conversation from last night: "Ooh, you called me a woman! I like that. I'm usually just a girl." "That's right. Around here, you're a woman."

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